Student Boarding and Out of School Jobs Application Name* First Last Street Address City Region Post Code Phone NumberEmail* Are you interested in employing a student to provide out of school care? Yes No Please indicate the hourly rate you might offer for care?If you're offering student boarding please describe the type of accommodation eg room, bathroom facilities etc (Please give lots of detail)Please state your preferred weekly charge for boardingIf you are offering a room without board (eg flatting) state the weekly chargeHave you had a student from Ashton Warner before?With which culture (or cultures) does your family most closely identify?Please list the names and ages of all the people living in your houseBy completing and returning this form to the Academy you confirm that you have read and understood the boarding conditions and after-school care conditions outlined on our website and would like your details added to our list for studentsPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.