So What Is A Nanny?

And what does a professional Nanny do?



Let’s look at a typical Job description, the types of nanny roles

employer demand, pay rates, qualifications

Nanny Job Description

The job description of a professional nanny varies a lot depending on the needs of each particular family but usually involves most or all of the following:

  • feed, wash and dress children
  • plan and supervise the children’s daily activities
  • play and do learning activities with children
  • behaviour guidance
  • infant care
  • give advice and support to new mothers
  • care for sick children in the home


One of the Ashton Warner Professional Nannies with child
One of the Ashton Warner Professional Nannies with child
  • keep records of children’s learning and development etc
  • do everyday household tasks for the children such as cleaning and laundry
  • plan and prepare meals for children and sometimes for family members
  • drive children to and from early childhood services, school or other activities
  • supervise and help school-aged children with homework
  • do grocery shopping for the family

Just as families have different needs, there are lots of different types of nanny job

  • a live-in nanny lives in the family home, often in a separate apartment there, or with their own room. A live-out nanny lives at her own place and goes to work with the family each day.
  • a manny or male nanny is often employed by well-off solo mothers who work at their careers full time and have boys. This is to give the boys a male role model and also to get them involved in outdoor sports and adventures.
  • a nanny-share involves working for two families usually in one or other of their family homes. Because they share the costs it’s more affordable.


One of the Ashton Warner Professional Nannies with child
nanny job description
  • a night nanny looks after the needs of an infant overnight to let their parents sleep (nappy changes, feeds etc)
  • maternity nannies have extra training or experience in helping and supporting mothers with the care of new-borns and are very well paid
  • Note: au pairs are different from professional nannies. They are usually an international traveller who often has little or no experience working with children. An au pair assists with a few household tasks plays with the children and receives room, board, and some pocket money in return.


Employer demand for nannies and rates of pay

Pay for nannies varies depending on their qualifications experience and location. Qualified nannies with more than one years’ experience can earn around $28 an hour. Nannies who look after newborn babies earn up to $32 an hour. Professional nannies are in big demand in New Zealand with big money being paid for very exciting jobs. There is also a shortage of nannies in Australia and in London with pay around $30 to $35 an hour.

Did Mary Poppins need a qualification?

Mary Poppins didn’t need a qualification because in the past childcare was often provided by unqualified people. This would often just involve feeding the kids, changing their nappies and plonking them in front of a TV. These days professional nannies and home-based carers also educate and provide lots of exciting learning activities for the children following a programme set down by the Ministry of Education. This means they need formal training as well as to understand patterns of child development and education. They need a qualification in early childhood education and care.

what qualifications do you need to work as a nanny?

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What our students are saying…

Your course makes such a difference finding the best placements anywhere they want with a higher pay. Every applicant we’ve had from Ashton Warner has been amazing 

Shelby Cooper, Nannies Abroad Ltd